Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Studying Papervision

In order to do my project I needed to install Papervision3D which I did and tried one of the tutorials that I watched, on an animated cube at I tried following the tutorial and entering the codes but when I pressed cmd/enter key it gave me errors. However, I decided to copy the original code and pasted which now worked.

There is also a need for me to install 2 more softwares, namely Swift3D and Flex which will effectively work with the Papervision3D for Carousel effects Collada impots plugins.

Meanwhile I have continued with the software tutorials except that my software installation seems to malfunction. I do not know if mistakenly I have deleted any component.

I have designed some frames and still working on layouts or interface design for the project.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The design and concept of my project is to create an Interactive Virtual Exhibition Centre or Facility for Art exhibitions. This will include the design of the halls or galleries, sets and props in 3D as well as Reception for registration and bookings.

The objective of the project is to create a cost effective and condusive virtual environment for art exhibition and display of individual artist profile.
To reduce the cost of logistics, theft and damage of art works in the course of puting up an exhibition.
To project the artist profile and works locally and internationally which will bring about recognition.
To create an evironment for art lovers to see and share ideas with exhibiting artist right there in the comfort of their home or offices without physically being there.
(to be contd.)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


This is my first blog and am happy to intimate you about my work and all I intend to do for my 2009 project.
However, I am sorry I do not have any idea yet but will get to you as soon as possible.